Tuesday 30 August 2011

The edge of the world [or Africa].

Day # 7 and 8.

We spent this weekend being total tourists. We asked Tyron the mini-bus driver (the same driver that scraped us all up out of 'springbok's club' last thursday) to take us on a half day tour around Boulder's beach and Cape Point. It was about a 30/40 minute drive down to Boulder's beach through Muizenburg, Fish Hoek and Simon's Town. We were even lucky enough to see a whale as we were driving along the route [the bus was close to tilting over sideways with our enthusiasm.]

The penguins hang out in a kind of 'National Trust'-esque area, where you have to pay to go down to the white sand beach [so naturally we went on a frolic of our own to find them in their more natural and free habitats]. I found out that penguins really do smell bad, but they are cute-especially the baby ones who are all fat and fluffy! It was pretty windy that day [thus the bobble hat] so we didn't hang around there too long before moving on to Cape Point [the edge of the world].

Ok, so it's not 'the edge of the world' but it is the furthest South Westerly point in Africa [which is still pretty cool in my book]. We walked along the high coastal path from Cape Point to 'The Cape of Good Hope' and found the most amazing white-sand beach that we had completely to ourselves. The water was cold but after our long trek up to the lighthouse and back it was pretty nice to feel the ocean spray on our faces. We even made a new friend-a wild ostrich [which I, obviously, kept my distance from since they can easily rip you apart "like jurassic park"-nice].

On sunday we decided it would be a fantastically fulfilling idea to leisurely walk up Table Mountain. It was fulfilling. It was not, however, 'leisurely' [in any way]. The five hour hike took us through waterfalls, up ladders and across rocks prone to landslide...but it was most definitely an accomplishment. Needless to say I well and truly stuffed my face at the top of that darned mountain and we happily paid the 90 Rand to get a cable car down on the other side. 

I'm not hurting yet but I know I will be...

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